

The department was established in principle July, 2003 by an instrument of the Academic Board. Up till 2005, it operated under the General Studies Department (GNS), which was then under the aegis of the School of Management and Business Studies (SMBS). With the creation of a new School School of Liberal Studies in 2005, the department transformed to a full-fledged one with a substantive Head. The first set of students were admitted in 2002/2003 Academic Session with an enrolment of 51.

The goal of the department is to give students technical and professional skills necessary for employment in various areas of mass communication industry such as newspaper, magazine, radio, television public relations, advertising, news agency, government and corporate information services.

The department suffered a temporary setback in 2005/2006 session when the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) prevented if from running the programme due to some short comings. However, in 2009/ 2010 Academic Session, the department was given the go ahead to continue with the programme. At present, the department runs a two-year National Diploma (ND) Programme in Mass Communication and would start the degree programme very soon.

The structure of the ND programmes consist of four semesters of classroom, laboratory and workshop activities in the college and a semester (3-4 months) of Supervised Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). The current Head of Department is Mr. Adedeji A.O while Messrs Ayodele O, Ajibade O, and Oni Charles had been Heads of Department at various times.